Terms and Conditions

01. The Terms and Conditions of the P-ESDM autism scholarship program are posted on the My Allie’s Place website. An Applicant and each additional adult who will attend parent coaching sessions must agree to read, agree to, and accept all of the Terms and Conditions of the P-ESDM autism scholarship program. It is the responsibility of Applicant/Finalist/Recipient and others who will attend coaching sessions to periodically review the Terms and Conditions on the website for updates or changes. Use of the My Allie’s Place website or the P-ESDM autism scholarship after any updates or changes are posted to the Terms and Conditions constitutes agreement to the updates or changes.
02. Open Enrollment Period: Autism scholarship Open Enrollment periods may be held several times in a one-year period, contingent upon availability of scholarship funds. Currently, Open Enrollment dates are scheduled twice yearly from May 1-31 and October 1-31. Parent coaching sessions following the May enrolment period typically begin in early to mid-August, and sessions from the October enrollment period typically begin in early to mid-January. Award notifications are made within four to six weeks after the close of an Open Enrollment period.
03. Application Form: An Application Form for the Parent Coaching in the Early Start Denver Model (P-ESDM) autism scholarship is posted on My Allie’s Place website at: myalliesplace.org.
04. To apply: An Applicant must complete the scholarship application form on My Allie’s Place website at: myalliesplace.org. Completed applications can be submitted online on the website at any time and will be considered during an Open Enrollment period. The Applicant must complete all questions, digitally sign, and date the online application, and and click the “Submit” button. To send the application by email, the Applicant should download the application form, complete it, then scan and email the completed application to: ESDMscholarship@earlystartautism.com.. Incomplete applications may be disqualified.
05. Release and Consent Forms: The Applicant and each additional adult who will attend parent coaching sessions agree to sign and submit the autism scholarship program Release and waiver/consent forms available on the scholarship website.

06. Definitions: When used in these Terms and Conditions on the scholarship website, documents, or materials, the following words, whether used individually, collectively, or interchangeably, are defined as indicated in 6.a. through 6.f. below.
a. “P-ESDM or ESDM autism scholarship,” “P-ESDM or ESDM scholarship,” “autism scholarship,” “autism scholarship award,” “scholarship award,” or “scholarship,” are defined as an award up to approximately $4,000 value to cover the cost of 14 parent coaching sessions in the Early Start Denver Model (P-ESDM) scholarship program awarded by My Allie’s Place. The entire amount awarded for a scholarship will be applied directly to cover the cost of parent coaching sessions conducted by Early Start Autism LLC. No scholarship sums will be paid to a scholarship Recipient. The scholarship has no cash value.b. “Scholarship program,” “autism scholarship program,” or “P-ESDM or ESDM scholarship program” refer to and encompass, but are not limited to, the application, review, processing, selection, non-selection, notification, and parent coaching sessions for Parent Coaching in the Early Start Denver Model (P-ESDM).
c. “Applicant” for a P-ESDM scholarship MUST be a “Parent,” or “Legal Guardian” of the child for whom application is being made and is defined as a person (or persons) who applied for and may be selected as a Finalist or as a Recipient of a scholarship for their child or for a child for whom they are legally responsible. Having a diagnosis of autism or being wait-listed for diagnosis is not required to apply for an autism scholarship.
d. “Finalist” or “Scholarship Finalist” are defined as a person (or Applicant) from whom a selection will be made for award of a P-ESDM autism scholarship from applications received by My Allie’s Place prior to the close of a scheduled Open Enrollment period. “Finalist” also means that a final determination has not been made, the application is still being considered for the scholarship, and the application may or may not be selected to receive a scholarship.
e. “Recipient” or “Scholarship Recipient” or “award Recipient” are defined as a parent or legal guardian (Applicant or Finalist) who is actually awarded or selected to receive a P-ESDM autism scholarship from applications received by My Allie’s Place prior to the close of a scheduled Open Enrollment period.
f. “HIPAA” is defined as an abbreviation for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Email addresses associated with Early Start Autism LLC are Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant. Early Start Autism LLC is committed to protecting the Applicant’s and the family’s health information.

07. Age Requirement: Minimum age of child is 6 months old and maximum age is 52 months old at the END of the Open Enrollment period in which applying. An application for a child over 48 months and not more than 52 months of age may be considered an alternate application. If child does not meet age requirements, child is Not Eligible to participate.
08. Income Requirement: To qualify for an autism scholarship, the total current annual gross income of the family household is limited to a maximum of $250,000.00. Applicants must state on their application the total current and prior year annual gross income of the entire family household. Family household includes all adults and all children living in the same house with the child with autism. The annual income stated on the ESDM scholarship application is subject to verification by My Allie’s Place (or its representatives) and a copy of the prior year’s federal income tax return for all adults in the family household may be requested to verify accuracy of the income figures reported on the application.
09. If selected as a Finalist, Applicant will be notified at the email address provided on their application, and Applicant MUST respond within 48 hours by email to ESDMscholarship@earlystartautism.com to accept or decline Finalist status or Applicant will be withdrawn for consideration of an autism scholarship award. Additionally, the Applicant must furnish any information or documents requested.
10. If selected as a Recipient, the Applicant/Finalist will be notified at the email address provided on their application, and the Applicant/Finalist MUST respond within 48 hours by email to ESDMscholarship@earlystartautism.com to accept or decline Recipient status or Applicant will be withdrawn for consideration of an autism scholarship award. Additionally, the Applicant must furnish any information or documents requested.
11. If Applicant/Finalist accepts Recipient status, the Recipient is expected to pay to My Allie’s Place by an assigned deadline date, one lump-sum payment (currently $140) unless previously determined unable to pay (see Terms and Conditions, paragraph 11). b. If Applicant/Finalist accepts Recipient status, the Recipient MUST submit to My Allie’s Place (or its authorized representative) by an assigned deadline date a signed and dated Release form and the HIPAA waiver/consent forms for themselves and for each additional adult who will attend parent coaching sessions.

12. Parent coaching sessions:
a. Coaching sessions are typically scheduled once a week on Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 3 pm for 1 hour and 45 minutes each.
b. All parent coaching sessions will be conducted by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who is also an ESDM Certified Therapist or an ESDM Trained Therapist of Early Start Autism LLC.
c. The 14 parent coaching sessions will be conducted virtually using Telehealth. Rarely, certain conditions as determined by the ESDM Therapist may require coaching sessions to be conducted in-person or by using a combination of both online and in-person sessions. Scholarship Recipients will be notified in advance if in-person sessions are required. Any in-person sessions will be conducted in or near Jupiter, Florida
d. The Parent is actively coached with the child. Therefore, if selected as a Recipient, at least one parent (with child) MUST complete all 14 parent coaching sessions and Recipient themselves MUST attend (with child) a minimum of 12 sessions. Parent coaching sessions are limited to no more than two adults attending with the child. Siblings are not included in the parent coaching sessions unless under the age of one and special permission by ESDM Therapist is approved and granted in advance.

13. My Allie’s Place and Early Start Autism LLC (or their representatives) reserve the right to request additional information and to verify all information contained in a scholarship application and other documents submitted.
14. Scholarship limits: The scholarship award is limited to one scholarship per child with autism in a family during an enrollment period. A second child with autism in the same family is eligible to apply for a separate scholarship during a different enrollment period. An Applicant selected as a Recipient is not allowed to defer acceptance to use the scholarship for parent coaching sessions in a future enrollment period. If scholarship is declined for the period in which it was offered, Applicant must reapply by submitting an updated application for consideration in a future Open Enrollment period.
15. Scheduling coaching sessions: The ESDM Therapist will contact each Recipient to coordinate available times for scheduling parent coaching sessions. If a mutually agreeable schedule cannot be reached, the Recipient will not be considered for award of an autism scholarship for that enrollment period and if an autism scholarship has been awarded, it will be forfeited or terminated, and all fees paid by Applicant/Finalist/Recipient will be refunded providing parent coaching sessions have not begun. A scholarship is not transferable, and it must be used during the period in which it is awarded.
16. Start of a coaching session: Recipient agrees to be available and ready BEFORE or AT the scheduled appointment time to start each online or in-person parent coaching session. All language referring to arriving before or at Recipient’s appointment time includes Recipient (and each additional adult attending parent coaching sessions) being available and ready to start Telehealth sessions with the ESDM Therapist by laptop, computer, or other digital device ON TIME at the scheduled START time. Excessive or repeated tardiness risks loss of scholarship.
17. Cancel a coaching session: Recipient or other adult attendee will provide a minimum of 36-hours’ notice to ESDM Therapist IN ADVANCE by BOTH telephone (or text) AND email if cancellation of a parent coaching session is necessary. Family emergencies and extenuating circumstances may arise and will be assessed accordingly. Only one parent coaching session will be permitted to be rescheduled by Recipient or family of scholarship Recipient during the 14-week schedule. Cancellations that exceed this limit may result in loss of the scholarship.
18. Survey/Consent Forms: A Recipient who receives an autism scholarship award and each additional adult attending parent coaching sessions MUST complete a pre-survey form at the start of parent coaching sessions, two post-survey forms before completing sessions or immediately following completion of all 14 parent coaching sessions, a HIPAA-compliant waiver/consent, and a video consent form to allow or disallow videotapes, audio tapes, and photographs to be used for media or publicity purposes.
19. Forfeiture of fees paid:
20. Refund of fees paid: Within 60 days after completion of all 14-parent coaching sessions and provided all requirements in Terms and Conditions, paragraph 19.a. have been met, Recipient will be reimbursed some or all of the $140 fee that Recipient paid to My Allie’s Place when they were accepted, contingent upon availability of autism scholarship funds. Any additional fees paid for credit card charges are not refundable. A Recipient may choose to designate as a donation to the autism scholarship fund all or any portion of the $140 fee that was paid to the nonprofit My Allie’s Place and the donated amount will remain in the autism scholarship fund to aid in financing future autism scholarship awards.
21. Hyperlinks: The My Allie’s Place autism scholarship website or Early Start Autism LLC website may hyperlink to websites not maintained by, sponsored by, or affiliated with My Allie’s Place or Early Start Autism LLC or their respective websites. Hyperlinks are provided as a service to users. My Allie’s Place and Early Start Autism LLC make no endorsements or representations or warranties about the content, completeness, or accuracy of those third-party websites. The third-party websites are solely responsible for their products and services and any information that Applicant/Finalist/Recipient may submit or acquire at a third-party website accessible from the My Allie’s Place or Early Start Autism LLC websites is subject to the terms and policies of that third-party website.
22. Contact using electronic/digital media: Applicant/Finalist/Recipient and other adults who will attend parent coaching sessions give consent and agree to be contacted through electronic or digital communications via email, telephone, wireless phone, or texting for the P-ESDM autism scholarship program and any of its related materials, including but not limited to, scholarship program application, required documentation, review, processing, selection, non-selection, notifications, scanning, emailing, texting, and making online payment.
23. Applicant/Finalist/Recipient agrees to notify My Allie’s Place at ESDMscholarship@earlystartautism.com immediately of changes in personal contact information, including email address, telephone number(s), home address or mailing addresses for themselves and others listed on their Application.
24. My Allie’s Place, its officers, directors, employees, contractors, or agents and Early Start Autism LLC, its owners, officers, employees, contractors, or agents will not be liable for interruption or rescheduling or cancellation or failure to provide P-ESDM autism scholarship program services for any reason.
25. Applicant/Finalist/Recipient/Recipient’s dependent/Parent/Legal Guardian/Caretaker/Child (and Parent/Legal Guardian on behalf of Child) agree to indemnify, release, and hold harmless My Allie’s Place and Early Start Autism LLC, their officers, directors, owners, employees, partners, contractors, agents, affiliates, successors, or subsidiaries, of all liability and responsibility against any and all claims, losses, liability, damages, and expenses, costs, and charges of any kind, including reasonable legal fees, in connection with, arising from, or in any way, related to, all aspects of the P-ESDM autism scholarship program. This hold harmless includes, but is not limited to, any violation by Applicant/Finalist/Recipient or Applicant/Finalist/Recipient’s dependents/Parent/Legal Guardian/Caretaker/Child.
26. My Allie’s Place, in conjunction with Early Start Autism LLC, reserves the right to determine eligibility, to accept or decline scholarship applications, to select or non-select Finalists and Recipients, and to award autism scholarships.
27. Early Start Autism LLC, in conjunction with My Allie’s Place, reserves the right to modify, amend, rescind, suspend, terminate, or cancel autism scholarship awards, or parent coaching services either before, during, or after they have begun. Any additional terms or conditions that Early Start Autism LLC deems necessary in the best interests of the P-ESDM autism scholarship program shall become effective immediately or on such later date as may be specified and from time to time will be incorporated into the Terms and Conditions posted on the autism scholarship website.
28. Early Start Autism LLC, in its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason, reserves the right to make all decisions regarding all aspects of the P-ESDM autism scholarship program and all decisions are final.
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