Our mission is to provide individuals with special needs the opportunity to live alongside those in their community and contribute to society, while living a life of respect, dignity, and purpose.

Enrollment and Announcement

Open For Enrollment

Applications are now being accepted for Early Start Denver Model Parent Coaching Scholarship

The Future of Work is Diverse, Inclusive, Just and Equitable

Our Goals

Develop a series of podcasts featuring expert interviews, personal stories, and practical tips to support individuals with special needs and neurodivergent traits.
Create online programs focusing on skill development, education & social interaction for the neurodivergent community.
Establish partnership with schools, community centers, and organizations to expand our reach and impact.
Provide resources and support for families, caregivers, and educators ofneurodivergent individuals.
Advocate for greater inclusion and accessibility in all aspects of society. (Lobbying and advocating on the local, state, and federal level)

Read My Allie's Place Blog

Hi, My name is Julia McLaughin. I am 26 and I have a condition called cerebral palsy which is caused...

  Getting Strong ? Sure we all want to be healthy and strong, but strength and health take on an...

I heard it again, that deep breath she takes right before a big seizure is about to come. The dog...

Hi, My name is Julia McLaughin. I am 26 and I have a condition called cerebral palsy which is caused...

  Getting Strong ? Sure we all want to be healthy and strong, but strength and health take on an...

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