Our Why
Meet Allie Sabato
My name is Allie Sabato, I was born Alexia Chiara Sabato on July 24, 1996 (same birthday as JLo). The reason why everyone calls me Allie is because when my younger brother first started to speak he couldn’t pronounce my name, but would always say Allie. So, Allie it became and everyone in my family started to call me Allie. My mommy even started a non-profit called My Allie’s Place in honor of me and all individuals who have special needs.
I have a rare neurological disease called West Syndrome, which is a constellation of symptoms characterized by seizures. epileptic/infantile spasms, abnormal brain wave patterns called hypsarrhythmia and intellectual disability.
I have had several brain surgeries to remove the “hot spots” on my brain that were causing hundreds of seizures. As a result of my many surgeries, the doctors had a special mesh titanium skull made to keep the shape of my head its normal shape.

I am a 27 year old young woman with hopes, desires, and dreams just like everyone else. I am non ambulatory (I cannot walk) and I am non verbal (cannot speak) but somehow, people around me that know me and love me understand me.
I love to ride horses, go in the pool, and love going for walks, and I always bring my maraca with me. Most importantly, I love my family. They have been there for me. I know my mommy has been private about my life, but she realized that there are so many people like me, and she wants to help make life easier for those that are confronted with the same or similar challenges.
I know that my mommy wants to heighten awareness, educate others, and unite us all as a community so that we can make a difference.
Thank you for reading a little bit about me. I know together we will make My Allie’s Place a special spot where we can all unite, share our stories, and be the best resources to all of those that have the same challenges.
I also would love to hear from you if you have any questions. I would love to share my experiences with you!